
Contributions are very welcome. Check out our open issues on GitHub.

Development environment

We recommend you develop kr8s inside a virtual environment. We use hatch for builds, virtual environments and task running, but you can use whatever you prefer.

pip install hatch
hatch shell  # Creates the hatch venv and activates it

But there are many different tools out there so feel free to use whichever you prefer and install kr8s in development mode.

# Create/activate your Python environment
pip install -e .


Tests in kr8s are run with pytest. To handle testing again Kubernetes we also use kind via the pytest-kind plugin. Kind launches a Kubernetes cluster inside a single Docker container which is great for local development. All setup is handles via fixtures so as long as you have docker you can run the tests.

hatch run test:run

Or you can install the test dependencies and invoke pytest yourself.

pip install -e .[test]
pytest kr8s


Documentation is built with Sphinx. You can build the docs locally.

hatch run docs:serve

Or you can install the docs dependencies and invoke sphinx-build or sphinx-autobuild yourself.

pip install -e .[docs]
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build --ignore 'docs/autoapi/**/*' --host


We lint kr8s with black and ruff. We recommend you install pre-commit to do this on each commit.

$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
$ # You can manually run pre-commit on all files too
$ pre-commit run --all